by | Oct 1, 2024 | Blog, Christian Living, Life lesson

Recently, I have been thinking a lot about God’s plan for my life and praying for clarity. While I believe deeply that I am currently where God wants me to be, I also feel within me that there is more ahead and that my current self is preparing me to get there. As I think about the future, I also reflect on the past, especially how I prayed to be exactly where I am today: a job I enjoy, a car, and a place to live, among others. As I think about the future, I have been praying for courage to embrace God’s plan.

I have felt more anxiety and worry over the past few years than I can remember in my life, mostly because of the bigger changes life has brought to me, which has caused me to come out of my shell or what most will say comfort zone. I am constantly praying for courage and confidence, and I find myself in the zone of fear and anxiety more and more again. I have realized that fear is a part of our nature, and while we pray for courage, it does not entirely replace fear. Courage leads us to face fear so we don’t succumb to it.

I read Jesus’ encounter with Peter in Matthew 14 this week and wanted to share a few thoughts. The disciples were facing a terrifying storm on the sea when they saw Jesus walking toward them on water. Initially, they feared they had seen a ghost, but Jesus assured them not to fear. To confirm if it was Jesus, Peter asked Jesus to invite him to walk toward Him, and Jesus did (Matthew 14:29). Peter began to walk on water towards Jesus. I wonder what was going through Peter’s mind as he walked toward Jesus on water. It is amazing the wonderful things that will happen in our lives when we answer God’s call. No obstacle can stand in the way when God calls us to His will.

When Peter took his eyes off Jesus, he saw the strong wind and waves; fear took control, and he started to sink. He cried out to Jesus for help.

“But when he saw the strong wind and the waves, he was terrified and began to sink. “Save me, Lord!” he shouted.
Jesus immediately reached out and grabbed him. “You have so little faith,” Jesus said. “Why did you doubt me?” ~ Matthew 14: 30 -31.

Notice that as Peter was walking toward Jesus, the strong wind and waves were still happening around them, but so far as he kept his eyes on Jesus, he continued to walk on water towards Him. I applied this encounter between Jesus and Peter to my life when I read about it. How much have we allowed outside influences and the things happening around us to cause us to take our eyes off Jesus? How many people are sinking today because they give too much power to their problems and circumstances, which steals their faith?

Peter cried out to Jesus for help as he started to sink; Jesus immediately reached out and helped him. Jesus asked Peter, “Why did you doubt me?” As I was talking about earlier, thinking about my future and walking in God’s plan at times causes fear and doubt in my mind. In my day-to-day encounters, I battle with anxiety and fear, which I pray about. God’s truth for us today is to keep our eyes on Him. When we feel fear and begin to sink, like Peter, we should call unto Jesus to help us. We will never not feel fear, but when we do, we should choose courage and continue the Journey.

We each are on a unique path, fighting different battles. Whatever path you are on, my friend, I encourage you to keep your eyes on Jesus. He will guide your steps and shine a light on your path. When doubt and fear fill your mind, He will be your guiding light, a hand to hold, and a friend you can always rely on.

So yes, we feel fear, get anxious, shake, and doubt ourselves, but these strong waves and winds won’t cause us to take our eyes off Jesus. We will continue to choose faith and place our confidence in God. Stay blessed.

“Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me. Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me.”
‭‭~Psalms‬ ‭23‬:‭4‬ ‭

Your friend, Edmund. X